Qualcomm and Visa / Mastercard Class Action Settlement Opportunities


The class action alleges that Qualcomm abused its market power in the modern chip market to inflate the amount paid by device makers to license their technology in violation of antitrust laws and that these costs were subsequently passed down to those who purchased smartphones and tablets.

The case follows an FTC investigation and ruling that Qualcomm’s actions violated United States antitrust laws as well as fines levied on the company by fair trade commissions in China and South Korea for more than $975,000,000 and $800,000,000 respectively.

Judge Lucy Koh has certified a nationwide class consisting of all persons and entities in the United States who purchased, paid, and/or provided reimbursement for UMT, CDMA, and/or premium LTE cellular devices from January 17, 2013, through the present. For layman’s purposes, the class includes almost anyone who has purchased a smartphone or tablet since 2013 and includes approximately 250,000,000 devices in total, including iPhones and iPads. The class does not include either federal or state entities.

Qualcomm is currently appealing both the verdict in the FTC case as well as Judge Koh’s class certification ruling. If both are upheld, the plaintiffs will be in an exceptionally strong position, which we believe will likely result in a very large settlement.

If your company purchases smartphones and/or tablets for its employees, or reimburses its employees for the cost of a smartphone or tablet, then it may be eligible for a portion of the settlement fund if and when a settlement is reached.

Payment Card Antitrust Litigation $5.54 Billion 

This settlement resolves allegations that VISA, MasterCard and their issuing banks violated the law by charging excessive interchange fees to merchants.  The settlement received final approval on December 13, 2019 and the settlement fund is approximately $5.54 billion.  Your organization is likely eligible for a refund if you accepted VISA or MasterCard branded credit or debit cards as a form of payment between January 1, 2004 – January 25, 2019.

Claim forms are available beginning December 1, 2023, when they will be delivered and available online. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. Class members may visit www.paymentcardsettlement.com, the Court-approved website for this case for additional information. The claim filing deadline is May 31, 2024.

Class Action Capital specializes in the research, education, data collection, analysis and claim filing of complex class action settlements. Our value is understanding the entire class action landscape and bringing to your attention those settlements which are the most financially beneficial.

We can assist your company in recovering your pro-rata share of the settlement funds by handling all the heavy lifting. Many companies that we speak with are eligible for these refunds but do not wish to pursue the claims filing internally due to limitations on their time and resources. Additionally, many firms’ data retention policies limit the relevant documentation they can readily gather.

The only thing Class Action Capital needs to get started is for your company to complete our Claim Authorization Form below. Once completed we will get to work analyzing your claim to prepare and file for the impending deadlines in a timely manner.