Many healthcare companies do not have the time, resources, or relevant data available in order to file a settlement claim and Class Action Capital will work with you in order to submit a fully comprehensive claim recovery, while minimizing the use of your time, internal resources, and the risk of mistake if you were to take on claims management on your own.
Blue Cross Blue Shield MDL – Providers (Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 2:13-cv-20000)
The case alleges that Blue Cross Blue Shield companies throughout the United States colluded to carve the country into territories in which only one “Blue” could sell insurance and/or contract with healthcare providers and subscribers in violation of antitrust laws.
The BCBS Providers complaint alleges a “monopsony.” The idea is that because the Blues cannot participate in more than one area there is a lack of buyers, so each single Blue controls the price. This resulted in those providers and subscribers paying more than they would have in a competitive market.
Those eligible include all healthcare providers not employed or owned by a Defendant, who have provided healthcare, equipment, or supplies other than 1. Those covered by standalone dental or vision insurance, 2. Pharmaceutical drugs, 3. Durable equipment, 4. Medical devices, 5. Clinical laboratory supplies.
Generic Pharmaceutical Pricing Antitrust Litigation
The lawsuit claims that generic drug manufacturers violated antitrust laws, harming competition and causing settlement class members to overpay for over 150 Named Generic Drugs between May 1, 2009 through December 31, 2019.
The defendant list includes 58 of the country’s major generic drug manufacturers; the settling defendants deny liability as alleged in the lawsuit and the court has not decided who is right or wrong.
Currently, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Taro Pharmaceuticals USA have settled for a combined total of $85 million but it is Class Action Capital’s opinion that this could be among the largest settlements in US history.
There are three potential classes your organization may qualify for depending on how your organization purchases these products and for what purpose: Direct, Indirect and End Payor.