Class Action Capital specializes in the research, education, data collection, analysis and claim filing of complex class action settlements. Our value is understanding the entire class action landscape and bringing to your attention those settlements which are the most financially beneficial.
Our offer is to assist your company in recovering your pro-rata share of the settlement funds by handling all the heavy lifting. Many companies that we speak with are eligible for these refunds but do not wish to pursue the claims filing internally due to limitations on their time and resources. Additionally, many firms’ data retention policies limit the relevant documentation they can readily gather.
The only thing Class Action Capital needs to get started is for your company to complete our Claim Authorization Form below. Once completed we will get to work analyzing your claim to prepare and file for the impending deadlines in a timely manner.
Canadian Credit Card Class Action Settlement:
This lawsuit alleges that Visa and Mastercard conspired with their issuing Banks and Acquirers in setting the amount of interchange fees and imposing rules restricting merchants’ ability to surcharge or refuse high cost Visa and Mastercard credit cards.
The alleged defendants are: Mastercard and Visa.
Currently there is $66,530,000 in a settlement fund but litigation is still ongoing and we expect that number to increase. The class period is March 23, 2001 through the present and there is no claims filing deadline yet.