Element Fleet Management is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Class Action Capital (CAC), a market leader in managing class action settlement claims, to support Element’s efforts to maximize recoveries for our customers in the Auto Parts Antitrust Settlement, which has a settlement fund of more than $1.2 billion. Although Element may hold these claims legally under the settlement terms, we have decided to pass any recovery proceeds from vehicles Element funded or acquired on behalf of customers, back to those customers.
Element has proactively gathered data on vehicles leased from or purchased through Element from 1990-2019 to prepare for the claims submission process. As a valued Element customer, no action is required by you to recover your share of potential settlement funds for vehicles leased from or purchased through Element. Unless you opt out of this Element-CAC program, we will work with CAC on your behalf to file refund claims for eligible fleet assets that were leased from Element or acquired through Element.
To opt out of this process, use your internet browser to complete the form at go.elementfleet.com/optoutcac.
If you wish to work with CAC to submit claims for eligible replacement parts or vehicles that fall outside of your relationship with Element, please complete the form below.
After claims are approved and settlement funds distributed, Element will send clients refunds for their eligible vehicles.
Please be aware that Element is not able to submit claims for replacement parts or related to vehicles that customers acquired from another source. Element does not routinely track this information with the level of granularity necessary to submit claims, and the data necessary to submit these claims is not readily accessible. For this reason, Element is submitting refund claims only with respect to new vehicles leased from or purchased through Element. Customers are free to work independently to submit claims related to replacement parts or vehicles acquired from another source, or they can work directly with CAC to submit these claims.