The National Vehicle Leasing Association has partnered with Class Action Capital, a market leader in class action settlement claims management. Class Action Capital is already successfully working with a very large number of leasing organizations, fleet management companies and auto dealerships across the country helping to recover substantial refunds on their behalf.
Class Action Capital specializes in the research, data collection, analysis and filing of complex class action settlement claims. Our value is understanding the entire class action settlement landscape and bringing to your attention those settlements which are the most financially beneficial. Our pricing model is simple in that we work on a contingency fee basis and only receive a fee as a percentage of your successful financial recovery.
Our offer is to assist your company in recovering your pro-rata share of the settlement funds by handling all the heavy lifting. Most companies we work with are eligible for these refunds but do not wish to pursue due to limitations on their time and resources. Additionally, many companies’ data retention policies limit the relevant documentation they can readily gather. Once you sign up for our claim management services, our team will immediately get to work building and preparing a comprehensive and defensible claim.
Settlement Opportunities:
Auto Parts (End Payor) Antitrust Settlement
What is the Auto Parts Antitrust Litigation?
The Auto Parts Antitrust Class Action was filed against nearly 100 auto parts manufacturers. The case alleges that manufacturers of specific motor vehicle components conspired to fix the price of those parts (as far back as 1990 and as recently as 2019), causing individuals and companies to pay more for both new vehicles, with affected parts in them, and stand-alone replacement parts.
What Do the Auto Parts Antitrust Settlements Provide?
Four rounds of Settlements have been reached since 2015 with dozens of defendant motor vehicle part manufacturers that collectively total approximately $1,269,194,000. Settlement funds will be distributed pro rata based on the number of qualifying parts filed for by all class members nationwide.
What Is an Eligible Claim?
The Auto Parts Antitrust Settlement will reimburse individuals and businesses that anytime between 1990-2019 (1) purchased or leased a qualifying new motor vehicle in the U.S. (not for resale) or (2) purchased a qualifying vehicle replacement part (not for resale) in one or more of the eligible states or the District of Columbia.
The settlements involve the following eligible automotive parts: Air Conditioning Systems; Air Flow Meters; Air Fuel Ratio Sensors; Alternators; Anti-Vibration Rubber Parts; ATF Warmers; Automatic Transmission Fluid Warmers; Automotive Bearings; Automotive Hoses; Automotive Wire Harness Systems; Ceramic Substrates; Electric Powered Steering Assemblies; Electronic Throttle Bodies; Fan Motors; Fuel Injection Systems; Fuel Senders; Heater Control Panels (“HCPs”); High Intensity Discharge (“HID”) Ballasts; Ignition Coils; Instrument Panel Clusters; Inverters; Motor Generators; Occupant Safety Restraint Systems; Oil Coolers; Power Window Motors; Power Window Switches; Radiators; Spark Plugs; Standard Oxygen Sensors; Starters; Steering Angle Sensors; Switches; Valve Timing Control Devices; and Windshield Washer Systems and Windshield Wiper Systems.
The 30 states are: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
What Do I Need to Do?
The only thing Class Action Capital needs to get started is for your company to complete our claim authorization form below. Once completed, we will get in touch with you to discuss any supporting documentation we may need. Class Action Capital will then get to work analyzing your claim to prepare and file for the impending deadline in a timely manner.